Committee Members

Co-Presidents: Lydia Garms and Catherine Keele

Outreach Events: Ashley Fraser and Erin Hales

Events: Nick Winstone and Amy Arin

Socials: Nicola Wendt and Rob Markiewicz

Masters Rep: Anna Pearson

Website: Pallavi


Meet the Team




Lydia is a PhD student in cryptography, as part of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Cyber Security. She currently coordinates the WISDOM group, and organises events.



Catherine is a second year PhD student in the maths department, working on quantum state transfer/quantum information. She is passionate about gender equality, particularly within STEM and so has taken on the role of Co-President of WISDOM. She believes in creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for all people, regardless of gender or gender identity.




Ashley is a PhD student in the Centre for Doctoral Training in Cyber Security, where her research focuses on cryptography. Ashley is responsible for outreach and is interested in increasing participation of women in STEM subjects, particularly by encouraging and supporting girls to study STEM subjects and pursue careers in STEM-related fields.



Erin is a 2nd year student on the CDT programme. She is also one of WISDOM’s outreach officers, because she enjoys talking to students of all ages about why she is interested in cyber security.



Nick is a third year maths PhD student, studying cohomological properties of finitely presented infinite groups. He is part of the events team for WISDOM this year. He would love to have aspiring mathematicians get the chance to see the impact that women have made, and are making today, in mathematics.


Amy is a second year Cyber Security PhD student, with an interest in interdisciplinary research on machine learning, safety and defence, as well as ‘everyday security’ and social justice. She has enjoyed organising networking events for WISDOM and is looking forward to driving outreach opportunities, as well as facilitating wider diversity and wellbeing initiatives. Amy is a passionate believer in equality of opportunity and would love to continue leading issues supporting social mobility and wider diversity in STEM fields.



Pallavi comes from an engineering background and is currently researching the security of data on BLE devices. She has taken over responsibility for the WISDOM website. She would like to see WISDOM inspire a shift in societal attitudes with regard to women and other under-represented groups in STEM.



Past Members

Thyla photo

RHUL WISDOM Sheila Cobourne


Lisa photo

      Thyla                                   Sheila                                     Thalia                                  Lisa
    Founder                               Founder

Rachel photo

Joanne photo

Marie-Sarah's photoSwati




Rachel                          Joanne                            Marie-Sarah                           Swati

E Berners-Lee profile photo Laura profile photo 




            Ela                                   Laura                            Georgia